Saturday, August 9, 2014

Review: SHHH...Mack's Side by Jettie Woodruff


My name is McKenzie Perry. I’ve lived a life filled with secrets. Secrets that took me years to understand. 

Secrets that my bestie, Gia, and I kept from the world. Secrets that only I knew. I wasn’t afraid of the lies,the secrets, or the hidden skeletons. That’s not what frightened me. I was afraid that one day they would come out, somebody would find out the truth. If I am the only one that knew the secrets, the lies, then they were safe, right? 
It took several years for me to understand the impact of lies. Lies I told, secrets I kept, and the lives they controlled. One of the things I know to be true is I did the things I did for a reason, even if I didn’t know it at the time. 
They all had a reason. 

My name is Mack and this is my side of the story. 


I consider myself extremely lucky to have been given the chance to read the ARC for this book.

To say that I was blown away is an understatement....yes I am a fan of all her work and would read anything she sent me. However, I am that reader that stays away from hard to read material typically; but I am so glad I didn't turn this one down. If you have read Underestimated or UT then you know her twist and turns of gut wrenching emotion already. I can't believe that I am about to say this but I might just love this one better than those...I know I know I am shaking my head too!!!

I don't ever write spoilers in my reviews because frankly I want you to feel every emotion I felt without knowing its coming. But take my word for want to grab it the minute it comes out. I read it in ONE day because I couldn't get my mind off of it. I was literally rocking myself on the couch as I read and didn't even realize it until my husband asked me what the heck I was doing. It was my connection in the moment to Mack. I felt as if I was sitting right there with her heart broken that I couldn't fix it. No one truly ever knows the battles that others around them fight daily. Or how others actions impact our lives forever....but the old saying "the truth shall set you free" has never been more fitting than in this book.

One piece of advice...don't skip ONE tiny detail as you read. There will be times you think you know what is around the corner but believe me Jettie Woodruff doesn't ever let that happen. The detail is like none other I have read and I still feel the need for therapy.

It's simply an unbelievable read and I can't wait to see what Gia has to say about it all when the other side of this story comes to life via Author M. Robinson.


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