We are Sassy Southern Book Affair...What started as a small book club with a few friends meeting once a month to discuss specific books quickly grew into a desire to create this blog. This is our place to do what we love which is read books and share our thoughts and reviews. We also hope to provide our readers with interesting interviews and fabulous giveaways. Hopefully you are to here to share in our love of books. We hope you enjoy the page and are fortunate enough that you also follow and share. After all...the more contributions to a page, the merrier it will be.
There is nothing like blocking out the rest of the world and being completely consumed by a story. Not just any story, but one that you instantly connect with the characters and feel like you are on the journey with them. We love to have new book boyfriends, we love to pretend that we are the hot, sassy and possibly defiant heroine, or to have our boundaries pushed. Several of us might have grown up reading, while others heard about the amazing Christian Grey and were like "What? They make books like this?" Now you won't catch us without a book in our hand, it's no longer just a hobby it's our passion.

My name is Lynn and I'm addicted to reading smut!! I have always enjoyed a great story but as life becomes hectic, the time for reading quickly lessens. Until a couple of years ago an author by the name of E. L. James wrote a highly controversial book called Fifty Shades of Grey, I rarely picked up a book after finishing college. I wanted to know what the controversy was all about so I bought the first book. I became addicted to the broken, self-made CEO millionaire and college virgin and never looked back. That is where it all began...but not where it ends!
Since then, I have continued to read in the Erotic genre meeting many, many more broken souls, strong heroines, and alpha males. To name a few of my favorites I will start with, of course Fifty Shades because without it, my love love for erotica would have never reared its head. Madeline Sheehan' Undeniable series gave me the grit of the MC world while continuing to demonstrate love through a very unorthodoxxed manner while always returning to the one they love and support the most. Kimber S. Dawn made me cry with each and every chapter of A Woman Gone Mad while showing us how a child who becomes a woman doesn't deal with the cards life dealt her while reaching out to multiple men throughout her life for love. Lastly, in Harper Sloan' s Corp' s Security series she gives us love, devastation, and support when needed with the hot Corp Security guys Axel, Cage, and the women they love and would die for...HOORAH!!
The always constant variable in all the books I have read is LOVE. The love is demonstrated in variety of ways being perhaps a D/s situation to a real to life altering "normal" relationship to kink. This is why I read. I can place myself in the book while escaping reality for a while visualizing all the details and even perhaps bringing some of that excitement to my very own marriage and keeping it spicy. Some of my friends ask why I like reading "those" types of books, I tell them for research purposes...and of course they laugh. I am a hopeless romantic and want all the books to eventually end with "Happily Ever After" but know that is not always possible.
To all the authors out there....please keep writing and giving us excitement, love, and lots of kink!!!
Hey everyone! Just to be clear..........NO I am NOT a stripper......well at least I don't do that as a profession. I've always been told Jade is such a pretty name or that it sounds like a stripper. Hmmmm......debating if that's an insult or not?

Anyway, I have always loved to read. I remember even in middle school, staying up until 2 or 3 in the morning to finish a book. I have even gone without sleep because I just had to finish a book that I began that same day! Yes, I LOVE to read! But then along came a family and there was no time to read. I tend to ignore everyone and tune them out when reading. Yeah, the husband really loves me when I do this! Especially if the children are in need of something and we all know that rarely happens!! Hahaha! So, after a few years I finally got back into reading. I kept hearing this talk about 50 Shades....I finally gave in and read it. WOW did I learn some new things! Mainly a whole new genre of books that I never learned about in school!!
I don't have a favorite book per say. I love everything I read. I am always sucked into the story. I may have not finished one or two books ever. Although I am not a fan of books that are in a series and I have to wait too long for the next book. I now understand why J.K. Rowling wrote Harry Potter the way she did. It would drive me nuts to reread the beginning of her books since it was always the back story, but now I understand why.
I do not have a favorite author. I have many that I love and love their work. If authors can get me to either fall in love with their characters or really hate them, then they have done a good job. Jettie Woodruff and Tarryn Fisher are two great authors that made me despise a character or two of theirs. I don't need a happy ending, just evoke a strong emotion, which is what these two have done
Just like anyone else, I have many a book boyfriend. Who? Depends on who I'm reading about. It changes from week to week. I'm in love with whoever I'm reading about. The female character I am most like is Darcy Rhone from Something Blue by Emily Giffin. Not by the character's actions but more alike in personality. Made me realize some things that I do and need to change about myself. However, I wish I had half the determination and confidence of most the female characters I read about.
Well, that's me in a nutshell when it comes to book. I hope you enjoy my reviews as well as the other girls and visit our page often!
There is nothing like blocking out the rest of the world and being completely consumed by a story. Not just any story, but one that you instantly connect with the characters and feel like you are on the journey with them. We love to have new book boyfriends, we love to pretend that we are the hot, sassy and possibly defiant heroine, or to have our boundaries pushed. Several of us might have grown up reading, while others heard about the amazing Christian Grey and were like "What? They make books like this?" Now you won't catch us without a book in our hand, it's no longer just a hobby it's our passion.

My name is Lynn and I'm addicted to reading smut!! I have always enjoyed a great story but as life becomes hectic, the time for reading quickly lessens. Until a couple of years ago an author by the name of E. L. James wrote a highly controversial book called Fifty Shades of Grey, I rarely picked up a book after finishing college. I wanted to know what the controversy was all about so I bought the first book. I became addicted to the broken, self-made CEO millionaire and college virgin and never looked back. That is where it all began...but not where it ends!
Since then, I have continued to read in the Erotic genre meeting many, many more broken souls, strong heroines, and alpha males. To name a few of my favorites I will start with, of course Fifty Shades because without it, my love love for erotica would have never reared its head. Madeline Sheehan' Undeniable series gave me the grit of the MC world while continuing to demonstrate love through a very unorthodoxxed manner while always returning to the one they love and support the most. Kimber S. Dawn made me cry with each and every chapter of A Woman Gone Mad while showing us how a child who becomes a woman doesn't deal with the cards life dealt her while reaching out to multiple men throughout her life for love. Lastly, in Harper Sloan' s Corp' s Security series she gives us love, devastation, and support when needed with the hot Corp Security guys Axel, Cage, and the women they love and would die for...HOORAH!!
The always constant variable in all the books I have read is LOVE. The love is demonstrated in variety of ways being perhaps a D/s situation to a real to life altering "normal" relationship to kink. This is why I read. I can place myself in the book while escaping reality for a while visualizing all the details and even perhaps bringing some of that excitement to my very own marriage and keeping it spicy. Some of my friends ask why I like reading "those" types of books, I tell them for research purposes...and of course they laugh. I am a hopeless romantic and want all the books to eventually end with "Happily Ever After" but know that is not always possible.
To all the authors out there....please keep writing and giving us excitement, love, and lots of kink!!!
Hey everyone! Just to be clear..........NO I am NOT a stripper......well at least I don't do that as a profession. I've always been told Jade is such a pretty name or that it sounds like a stripper. Hmmmm......debating if that's an insult or not?

Anyway, I have always loved to read. I remember even in middle school, staying up until 2 or 3 in the morning to finish a book. I have even gone without sleep because I just had to finish a book that I began that same day! Yes, I LOVE to read! But then along came a family and there was no time to read. I tend to ignore everyone and tune them out when reading. Yeah, the husband really loves me when I do this! Especially if the children are in need of something and we all know that rarely happens!! Hahaha! So, after a few years I finally got back into reading. I kept hearing this talk about 50 Shades....I finally gave in and read it. WOW did I learn some new things! Mainly a whole new genre of books that I never learned about in school!!
I don't have a favorite book per say. I love everything I read. I am always sucked into the story. I may have not finished one or two books ever. Although I am not a fan of books that are in a series and I have to wait too long for the next book. I now understand why J.K. Rowling wrote Harry Potter the way she did. It would drive me nuts to reread the beginning of her books since it was always the back story, but now I understand why.
I do not have a favorite author. I have many that I love and love their work. If authors can get me to either fall in love with their characters or really hate them, then they have done a good job. Jettie Woodruff and Tarryn Fisher are two great authors that made me despise a character or two of theirs. I don't need a happy ending, just evoke a strong emotion, which is what these two have done
Just like anyone else, I have many a book boyfriend. Who? Depends on who I'm reading about. It changes from week to week. I'm in love with whoever I'm reading about. The female character I am most like is Darcy Rhone from Something Blue by Emily Giffin. Not by the character's actions but more alike in personality. Made me realize some things that I do and need to change about myself. However, I wish I had half the determination and confidence of most the female characters I read about.
Well, that's me in a nutshell when it comes to book. I hope you enjoy my reviews as well as the other girls and visit our page often!
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