Saturday, May 31, 2014

Cover Reveal: Wicked Innocence by Missy Johnson


Wicked Innocence
Publication DateJune 27, 2014 

SynopsisDon’t let my petite and innocent appearance fool you, because I’m one person you don’t want to cross. I’m Micah, the youngest member of Resurrection…If only they knew how young. My fake ID says I’m twenty-one.

And I will be…in four years.

What can I say? I blossomed early. Home sucked, so I left, determined to do something with my life. Landing the gig as lead vocalist in the band was a dream come true. I’ve worked hard to make something of myself and nothing is going to ruin that for me.

Then He showed up.

He’s hot as hell and so into me. But he’s also twenty-five. I don’t want to lie to him, but if the truth comes out I’ll lose everything, including him​. 

About the Author: Missy lives in a small town in Central Victoria with her husband, and her confused pets (a dog who think she’s a cat, a cat who thinks he’s a dog…you get the picture).
When she’s not writing, she can usually be found looking for something to read.
Website • Twitter • Facebook • Goodreads

Out of Reach $0.99 Sale

Synopsis: My best friend was dying and I was in love with his girl. 

Andy and I had been best friends since we were eight-years old. Watching him slowly fade away, ever closer to his final breath, made me so incredibly angry. I knew there was nothing I could do to change it--I had given in to despair, but Andy had not. He had one last hand to play.

He wasn't going to simply sit back and wait for Death to claim him--not Andy. He was going to live life until he couldn't hold his eyes open any longer.

Andy didn't want to die in some sterile hospital and asked me to take him and Emily to the beach. It would be our last road trip together.

Emily. Emily was a problem for me.

I harbored a secret that would have torn our friendship apart. I was in love with Andy's girl, and had been since she'd walked into our sixth grade class, so many years ago.

So what kind of person am I? My best friend is dying, and it's awful--but my heart still aches for his girl. I hate myself for thinking beyond Andy's death and whether there could ever be a future for Emily and I, but I can't help it.

I'm in love with her.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Blog Tour: Remember When Trilogy by T. Torrest

Remember When
Publication Date: January 1, 2013 
Purchase from: AmazonAudiobook • Add to Goodreads.

Synopsis: Years before Trip Wiley could be seen on movie screens all over the world, he could be seen sitting in the desk behind me in my high school English class.

This was back in 1990, and I cite the year only to avoid dumbfounding you when references to big hair or stretch pants are mentioned. Although, come to think of it, I am from New Jersey, which may serve as explanation enough. We were teenagers then, way back in a time before anyone could even dream he’d turn into the Hollywood commodity that he is today.

In case you live under a rock and don't know who Trip Wiley is, just know that these days, he’s the actor found at the top of every casting director’s wish list. He’s incredibly talented and insanely gorgeous, the combination of which has made him very rich, very famous and very desirable.

And not just to casting directors, either.

I can’t confirm any of the gossip from his early years out in Tinseltown, but based on what I knew of his life before he was famous, I can tell you that the idea of Girls-Throwing-Themselves-At-Trip is not a new concept.

I should know. I was one of them.

And my life hasn’t been the same since.

5 Stars!

Review: I was provided with an audio copy of this book to provide a review. First of all, this is an amazing book, and a very talented writer. We begin this book in the early 90's, which I was initially hesitant about because I really didn't have a lot of fun in the early 90's, as an awkward middle schooler - didn't really want to revisit. I just have to say, though, that this book so accurately captures not only the early 90's, but also just the thoughts of an emotional, irrational, uncertain, vibrant, young and in love female. From one early chapter to another, we go from Layla's tomboy days to her early crush, learning the dangers of Sun-in, Aquanet and flavored lip gloss, to her immediate reaction to Trip, as well as her sadness and emotions around her mother's abandonment. I was so drawn into the emotion, because I could so easily relate and remember having some of those same thoughts about boys, cars, jobs, etc. This author took thoughts from my teenage self!!

Layla spends the majority of her senior year of high school in love with Trip. All appearances seem to point to him putting her in the dreaded "friend-zone", however, which is completely heart breaking. Her best friend, Lisa, finally points this out to Layla, though, which causes Layla to pull a typical teenage move and turn a 180 on Trip - not even speaking to him. He seems truly hurt by this but retaliates by seeming to shove other girls in her face every chance that he can get. I had been so hopeful in many of their earlier interactions that he did have feelings for her, and I found myself so disappointed in him for how he would seem to toy with her. His hurt and very obvious goading made me think that his feelings for Layla did run deeper. I was puzzled...

Layla attends the spring play, which Trip stars in, and the two of them share a special moment afterwards. The ice begins to thaw between the two of them, and they begin to speak again. Layla is somewhat sad at the distance that she has put between them in the past months, so she is determined to make the best of her remaining time around Trip. Then, we come to the night of their graduation from high school. With a few careless words from Trip's father, several missing pieces begin to drop into place. The next few months are a blur of Layla and Trip finally becoming closer. They slowly blur the lines of friendship and romantic interest, and you honestly feel the clock ticking down for them. My heart felt like it was in knots so many times! The day finally comes for Layla to leave to head off to college, and she and Trip must say goodbye. He ends up gifting her with something from his heart, and it honestly brought tears to my eyes. It also left me with so many questions. I can't wait to see what happens next.

Also in the Series:

Synopsis: You know how sometimes, your high school crush grows up to be an insanely famous movie star? Okay, probably not. But I do. ~Layla Warren
Back in high school, Trip Wiley’s fanbase only encompassed the denizens of the nothing little suburb of Norman, New Jersey.

Ten years later, all that is about to change.

In the summer of 2000, Layla Warren is enjoying her career as a journalist in New York City (well, sort of), while Trip spends most of his time grabbing Hollywood by the balls. In the days before what will turn out to be his skyrocketing fame, they’ll find themselves confronted with some life-altering choices.

Remember When 2 is the second story in an NA romance trilogy. It will bring you back to that exuberant and riotous time of life in your twenties when you struggled to figure out your place in the world and the person you were meant to be…

…and the person you were meant to be with.

**Intended for ages 18+ due to some questionable language and sex.**

5 Stars AGAIN!!

Review: I have to get this out of the way - Oh, good LORD! 

Ok, so, this second book is about nine years after the first one, and I was all over the place with this one - in the most deliciously frustrating, screaming at Layla every other chapter kind of way. This author is so clever, because I was on cloud nine through the prologue and first chapter, thinking I knew what was going on and that Layla and Trip had somehow made it! I don't know if that was just confusion on my part, as I was listening to the audio version and could have missed some cues, but I was quite surprised when Layla was talking about some big relationship moves, and, suddenly, she has a fiancé - that is NOT Trip.

Layla is a copy-editor for a pretty unremarkable, according to her, publication called Now Magazine. She and her fiancé, Devin, work together, and much of the beginning of the story is a brief picture into their relationship with one another. Many of the old gang make an appearance - Lisa and Pick, Layla's family, and even Cooper, Layla's old, comfortable flame from high school. Layla does not seem to be super excited about anything, though. Her previous over involvement in her friends' lives, her constant fretting and excitement about her own life - none of that seems to be present. Even Layla's relationship with Devin - she didn't even seem to know that he was heading towards asking her to marry him until he did it. Lisa calls her out on this several times, but Layla seems determined that she is moving forward the way that she is supposed to be moving.

Everything changes, however, when Trip does walk back into her life. From that moment forward, the old Layla is back. She is giddy and all over the place in her thoughts and emotions. For the first time, in this book, Layla seems to be making intentional decisions for her life, but, I have to admit, I felt like all of them were the wrong decisions. The energy and electricity is still 100% there between she and Trip, but she just keeps pushing forward to Devin and her somewhat dead-end job. The time comes, however, when she must choose - what she currently has now, or the life that she always wanted with Trip? It was at this point that I was definitely screaming at Layla. If she said even just half of her thoughts out loud to Trip, I feel like she could have gotten so much clarity from him - and at least she would have been being more true to herself. As usual, though, Layla is the ultimate poker player. All of her thoughts stay inside her head. The same could be said for Trip, however. But, then...then...the lunch box. Man, I couldn't believe that part. It was so amazing and finally tied each of their feelings together. And, yet...this is not the end of Trip and Layla's story, for they both continue to say everything that needs to be said inside their own heads and not to one another, so neither of them gets on the same page. This book, again, ends with Trip and Layla taking different directions in life. I hope the third book doesn't make me break my kindle! Can't wait!


Synopsis: "I’d spent too long in limbo. It was time to put The California Plan back into effect."
~Layla Warren

I’ve been in love with Trip Wiley since I was sixteen years old.

Yep. That Trip Wiley. 

Academy award-winning actor, known philanthropist, People’s Sexiest Man Alive two years running…


It’s not like I’m some delusional stalker-fan. It just so happens that he was my high school sweetheart back in 1991.

In the years since, he’s simply been The One That Got Away. 

We just can’t seem to get on the same page at the same time. Our timing may have sucked, but the feelings had already been confirmed. Years ago.
At least his were.

He doesn’t know that I had chosen to love him back. I need to fix that. And I need to do it now.

Remember When 3 is the third and final book in the Remember Trilogy.
It’s a story about taking chances and following your heart…
and knowing that sometimes, you just have to learn when to let go.

**Intended for ages 18+ due to some questionable language and graphic sex.**

5 Stars!

Review: This third, and final, installment in the Remember When Trilogy was just right. I was really wondering where it was going to go, based on some of the events in the second book. I was pretty worried about Trip because he seemed to be heading in the same direction as his father, in some regards, and he cut Layla off, and she seems to really be his only saving grace. 

This book picks up almost five years after the second one. Trip contacts Layla due to a recent event in his life, and he basically tells her that she is the only thing that he knew could get him through this. They just easily fall back into being "them", but they finally act somewhat like adults and let each other know that they are ready to be with one another. And let me tell you - they have some wonderful moments together where they just click so well together. 

Layla has basically just been existing for the past few years. She did begin writing, and she also watched from afar as Trip did the "Hollywood" thing and had some major ups and downs. Both are in a place, this time around, however, where they can give each other a chance. I was so glad for that to finally happen. I felt so bittersweet, however, knowing that they had both loved each other all these years, but they could either never get themselves together, or the timing wasn't right, etc. Layla finally realizes, however, that maybe neither of them was truly ever ready at those times, and they would have just destroyed each other if they had tried. It seems so very true to life that timing, maturity, life experience...all of that can really impact a relationship.

Trip and Layla make a go of it, however, and she goes back to California with him. There troubles are not over, however, as Layla has to figure out if she can, or if she even wants to, navigate the waters of LA and the pretty people. For as much as they say, Trip and Layla still struggle with not saying everything that needs to be said, so they continue to have some troubles. Now that they have the chance and the time to have their happily ever after...will they be able to make it work? 

Such an awesome book and awesome series!

About the Author: T. Torrest is a New Adult fiction writer from the U.S. She has written many books, but prays that only a handful of them will ever see the light of day. Her stories are geared toward readers of any age that know how to enjoy a good laugh and a dreamy romance.

Ms. Torrest was a child of the eighties, but has since traded in her Rubik's cube for a laptop and her Catholic school uniform for a comfy pair of yoga pants. She likes pina coladas and getting caught in the rain. She's not much into health food, but she does enjoy talking about herself in the third person.

A lifelong Jersey girl, she currently resides there with her husband and two sons.

Release Blitz: Hold Me Closer by Hilary Storm


Holden Walker has put his personal life on hold to help Rebel Walking with security on tour. His ‘all work and no play’ attitude has him in trouble with some of the new female family members in his life.

Lainey Douglas couldn't pick a good man if her life depended on it. She’s been burnt one too many times and isn't thrilled at all when she's tricked into a date. Her attempt to run him off almost works—until he has to save her from danger.

What happens when Holden meets the most frustrating woman in his life? Will Lainey stop pushing him away long enough to see that he's not like all the other guys? Can she open her heart after everything she's been through?




About the Author

Hilary Storm lives with her high school sweetheart and three children in Enid, Oklahoma. She drives her husband crazy talking about book characters everyday like they are real people. She graduated from Southwestern Oklahoma State University with an MBA in Accounting and has a full time job as an accountant. Her passions include being a mom, writing, reading, photography, music, mocha coffee, and spending time with friends and family. She is the author of the International Best Selling 'Rebel Walking' series. Book one: 'In a Heartbeat' was released June 2013, Book two: 'Heaven Sent' was released in September 2013. Book 2.5: 'Banded Together' released Jan 2014. Book 3: 'No Strings Attached' released March 2014. Book 4: 'Hold Me Closer' is due out beginning of May.

Twitter: @hilary_storm

The Rebel Walking Series

In a Heartbeat

Heaven Sent

Banded Together

No Strings Attached

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Review: Reasonable Doubt 2 by Whitney Gracia Williams

reasonable doubt 2

SYNOPSIS:   She lied to me... She betrayed the one rule that I’m most adamant about: Honesty. Complete and utter fucking honesty . I really wish she was someone else–someone who didn’t have the ability to make me feel, someone I could easily discard like the hundreds of women before her. She isn’t.
I’m drawn to her like I’ve never been drawn to a woman before–completely captivated by the very sight of her. But unfortunately, with my past slowly re-surfacing for all of the world to see, I’ll have to find a way to let her go. She can never be mine.

5 Stars!

Review:  My last review ended with who is the biggest liar.  I would now say Andrew.   

The story begin right where it left off......Aubrey pouring coffee on Andrew and for good reason, the jerk!  We are introduced to Ava, the reason for Andrew wearing coffee on his crotch. Who is Ava exactly?  Good question, I'm still waiting for the answer.  All I'll say, as not to give it away for those of you who haven't read Reasonable Doubt, Ava is part of Andrew's past.

Aubrey is working for Andrew still.  Getting his coffee and bending over his desk every morning.  WHY?  After the bomb, why?!  She is also still dancing, it's her passion and she is good!  Although her parents have no clue how great she is.  They ask her to stop just so she can be on the campaign trail.  They really just do not understand her!  There is more information given about Andrew's past but I was left with more unanswered questions and another cliffhanger.

Who is Andrew really?  What is with his other name?
Why is he having nightmares?  What are they really about?
What went down with Ava?
What will happen with Aubrey and the ballet?  What will happen with the campaign?  


How many stars would I give this book?  I really don't know...I loved it but need the entire story.  So I will with hold my rating until then...but I promise it will be at least five stars.  

Andrew, Andrew, Andrew...why do I love you and hate you at the same time? He is cocky and addictive and just so dang H-O-T!!!  At the end of book one, I really just thought he was this pampas prick and I didn't really like him.  You girls know the type right???  Why is it that Andrew Hamilton inched his way into my heart and made me have emotional ties to him? 

Book two picked up exactly where book one ended. Aubrey continued working as his intern at the law firm even though she knew his sexual appetite for her was strong. Ultimately, Aubrey didn't stand a chance of avoiding his advances. Honestly, I don't know if I could have either...imagine that. Book two gave us a sneek peek into Andrews past with shocking events and revelations while Aubrey continues doing what she loves the most and that is ballet.  

I anxiously wait to get answers to my questions and and to see what happens with Andrew and Audrey.  Will she forgive him??? Will he forgive her???  


Lana's Awakening by Kristin Elyon

WARNING: This book contains very disturbing situations, abduction, sexual content, anal play, breath play, spanking, dubious consent, bondage, minor bdsm, strong language and graphic violence.

When Lana Martin is kidnapped and thrown into a world of darkness, she is forced to do many things she otherwise would have never considered, the most horrible of all being to take a deep long look at herself. What she sees scares the hell out of her, and those around her. Sex for her is quickly transformed from the mundane to a dangerous way of life.

Something dark is awakened inside of her, an unknown desire, an insatiable hunger for a master to use her for his pleasure. Her need for submission takes her down a winding path of pain and pleasure, as she comes to grips with her carnal lust, and her need to have it satisfied. Her captor awoke a sexual beast he hadn’t expected, and no one is prepared for Lana Martin.

Author Links:

Buy Links:

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Intern by Brooke Cumberland is LIVE!

The Intern Volume One by Brooke Cumberland is NOW LIVE!!! 

That Which Destroys Me by: Kimber S. Dawn

***This is a story of perseverance, trying to overcome the transgressions others inflict upon you, it’s a story of love gone wrong and obsession gone mad. This book contains raw and graphic sex, obscene language, violence, torture, rape, assault, none of which is limited to persons over the age of consent. This book is intended for MATURE AUDIENCE MEMBERS ONLY, and NOT intended for the weak at heart, nor persons with triggers related to child assault, rape or abuse.***

A beautiful, enchanting story of love, happiness—*Record needle scratches across vinyl* 

I'm just fucking with you. Love, happiness, and fairy tales… Yeah, they don't live here anymore.
The only things residing amongst these thin and barren walls are Dominance, submission, and twisted fucking obsession.
Stella gets knocked down over and over throughout her life… Though she is bloodied and battered she stands back up every single time, smirks and nods before asking, "That all you got?".

Wesley has shoved his way through the rich life with both middle fingers up. He's also shoved his way through half of the socialite population, but all that vanilla has left him a starved man. 
He knows he can't keep his Dom fed with kinky little masochistic vanilla's anymore.
On his mission to find the perfect sub, Wesley stumbles across a broken, shattered angel, only to find when she comes up swinging, that this little angel knows how to fight.
He wants to be the one who breaks her…
But it's not a question of who breaks her, the question is who destroys her.

“We will fight, angel. We’ll fight hard. But it’ll be worth every strike below the belt. Every hateful or spiteful word said, because when we love, when we fuck, when our passion reaches an intensity so goddamn powerful like it has every single time, it’ll extinguish all the bad. I want all your hate, Stell…Just as much as I want all your love. We are doing this. And there isn’t a damn thing you can do to stop it, angel. Is that understood?”—Wesley Jacobs

My Review: ***** (more if I could) 

This has been a very raw and devastatingly jaw dropping read.  It deserves 5 star rating.  The rawness and vulgarity allowed for a different edginess to the storyline.  Stella Reese, a child, a teenager, an adult, a woman, a friend, a unbreakable. She has been explicitly and immorally sexually abused from childhood to adulthood.  She was broken, scarred, and shattered multiple times only to emerge stronger than ever.  

Wesley Jacobs, an obnoxiously rich prick, has women literally falling at his feet.  He has his way with them, treating them like whores, nothing more than a hole to penetrate and a set of lips to suck, til their cheeks hollow in.  He goes through woman after woman trying to satisfy his dominance until he finds his new prey.  His desire for the darker side of pleasure drive him insane at the sight of Stella. 

Stella's past proves her to be a hidden submissive. She wants a man to control her sexually, treat her lovingly, and force her to lose all inhibitions and find the ultimate pleasure outside of all boundaries. As they both live out their fantasies with each other, connecting and falling in love, there is someone lurking in the shadows.  A man she doesn't remember from her past who today is still obsessed with Stella. The ghost of a man that is obsessed, scorned, and betrayed, until his hatred becomes so twisted.  Her past walks through the front door of Jacobs Publishing House showing affection and charm.  He gradually turns both Stella and Jacob's world upside down.  This ghost from her past tries his hardest to break her, Stella has always persevered and continued to pick herself up and shine.  The final bit of strength that Stella can summon upon herself is used to put the final nail in her coffin. 

I have to say that this is the third book I have read by Kimber and I have loved each one of them.  She doesn't disappoint whether it is A Woman Gone Mad or That Which Destroys Me.  She is the author who totally pulls you into the story and in her own way allows that personal connection to take place.  So...Kimber keep writing girl...your readers love you and your books.  XOXOXO


Ok, I have to put in my two cents now.  Lynn told me I just HAD to read this book and I am so glad I did!  Kimber Dawn may now be my new favorite author!  I get tired of reading books that are predictable and this book was anything but predictable.  Thank you, thank you, thank you Kimber!  And thank you Lynn for recommending.  There isn't any thing more I can add from the book that Lynn hasn't covered.  Just know this, this book deals with abuse, (like dark abuse), but oh it is worth the read!  You will not be disappointed.  I agree with Lynn, 5 stars!  


Who is Kimber S. Dawn you ask...

Shit, sometimes even I don't know, lmao. However if I had to type up an author bio (which, son of a bitch, I do) this is how it would read. BTW, caught a lot of shit for this author bio. Really don't give a fuck though, because I was asked to type up a bio. And if I can only say one thing for certain about myself, it's this: I'm real, I don't back down from what I believe, I say what I mean, and I mean what I say. I don't bite my tongue and I never try to hide the ugly parts of who I am... You either love me or hate me, but if you love me... I'll always be loyal, no fucking matter what ;)
I can be called a billon different things—daughter, wife, mother, labor unit nurse. I sell pussy on the side. *Coughs* That would be Persian kittens, thank you…you dirty-minded scoundrel. I'm a book blogger, book pimp, and a book whore. My two indulgences are my Jack’s in life…Jack Daniel’s and Blackjack. My biggest dream, the day I'll acknowledge that I've succeeded in life and can I die a happy woman, is the day I get to go two stark-naked hour-round sexual bouts with Jason Statham. *Sighs*
I was born and raised in Louisiana… and No, I do NOT live in a bayou, I actually see the beaches on the gulf coast more than I see a bayou, lol. I started writing poems and short stories very early in my life. You know, for the Michaels and Leos and Nicks in my life. I've been a book hoarder since I was eleven years old, but then a couple years ago something wonderful happened! The 50 Shades of Grey craze brought to life my inner smut whore and I commenced to read anything and everything smut affiliated. When reading wasn't enough anymore and I noticed that so many of the authors of my favorite indie authors and their books weren't getting the exposure their work deserved, I turned it into a mission, starting my own blog, buying their books and reading them one by one. I then wrote my reviews for my blog and didn't hold back in writing them (Hell yeah those motherfuckers a profanity laden). I've never done a single thing in my life halfway. I always go all in. After the success of my Blog, and the insistence of one of my bestest friends, my sister from another mister, Trina Taylor of Bad & Dirty Books, I was ready to finally take the plunge and see if I could write a book that was worth a damn. I'm a Southern girl to my core, a self-proclaimed smut whore, and I keep hearing that I’m an author, but honestly… I don’t believe the rumors, lol. I don’t feel like a kickass bitch spittin’ out lyrics, or stories, like a motherfuckin’ rockstar.
Tattooed across my ribs are the words I have always lived by: 'Aut viam inveniam aut faciam tibi.' Latin for: If I cannot find a way, I will make my own.

Sale: Out of the Ashes by S.M. Lynn

Hot Blooded by: Kendall Grey

WARNING: HOT-BLOODED does NOT end with a happily ever after. It contains drug use and graphic sex, language, and violence. The story is intended to entertain, not to condone or glorify illegal or immoral activities. This book is unsuitable for sensitive readers and those under the age of 18.
*Written in 3rd person. Contains a massive cliffhanger and multiple POVs.

The first installment in the Ohana series, HOT-BLOODED is set on the island of Maui and is wrapped in the light and dark watercolors of Hawaiian culture, history, and mythology. It's about guns, drugs, surfing, and tiki monsters. HOT-BLOODED tells the tale of a ballsy, half-Hawaiian angel-turned-demon, the duplicitous assassin who falls for her, and the blessings and curses of family—all wrapped up in freaky, supernatural gift paper.

Ohana is everything…

When an accident claims her mother’s life, Keahilani Alana must take charge of her ohana (family) or risk losing what little they have. With an underage brother to care for and no education, she has few options. The door to a heavenly hellish opportunity opens when she stumbles upon a valuable secret her mother left behind on the slopes of an extinct volcano—a legacy that tempts the family with riches beyond their wildest dreams. But the secret is much bigger and more sinister than they realize. As reality unravels and exposes eerie truths about the ohana that should have remained deep under the mountain, Keahilani must either resist the call of her blood or risk being consumed by its darkness.

Blake Murphy is an assassin working to infiltrate a new Hawaiian cartel. His investigation reveals that Keahilani, the sexy surfing instructor he pegged as an informant, is much closer to the drug ring than he thought. Passion ignites between them in the bedroom, but their ironclad ties to opposing interests pit them against each other everywhere else. When tensions reach the breaking point and her ohana is threatened, the only cure for Keahilani’s hot-blooded fury is a loaded clip with a body bag chaser.

They don’t call her Pele for nothing.

So, are you up for a steamy, violent descent into tropical-island madness with a supernatural twist? If so, you can add HOT-BLOODED to your Goodreads TBR here. The release date hasn't been announced yet, but Kendall is shooting for the end of June or early July. Stay tuned!
You can stalk Kendall on FacebookTwitterInstagramAmazon, or her web site

Monday, May 26, 2014

Blog Tour: Krinos (Take Over #1) by T. L. Smith

Krinos (Take Over, #1)

Title: Krinos
Author: T.L. Smith
Genre: New Adult
Publication Date: May 17, 2014

My life was simple. Follow instructions, learn the family business and be prepared to take over when the time has come. My name is Eliza, although people in the business know me as Krinos. One thing you should know about me is that my father is a drug lord, the boss in these parts.

I am prepared to do whatever it takes to step up to the challenge and run the family business, to make my father proud, a business filled with drugs, sex and death. What I’m not prepared for though is him, the Greek god who walks into my life and threatens to rock my world.

Now, my life has just got complicated. But don’t misunderstand, complicated is not a weakness. My father was not a man to cross, so expect nothing less from me. I am my father’s daughter, and I will be 
the boss.

3.5 Stars!

A great start to a fully loaded, sexy, thrilling, drama of a woman taking over a man's world. Krinos is the only child of a powerful drug lord, who is learning daddy's business to eventually take over all controls. She loves here daddy and will do everything in her power to show him she is made for her upcoming role. 
The story line was great, my only complaint is how quickly the story jumped from one scene to the next with little details in between.  I think I would have enjoyed the read more if it had more depth. I was disappointed in the sex scenes only because they were so short and lacked the emotional intensity I am so used to reading. I never felt that intense sexual connection with the characters, I never felt sexually exhausted after reading any of their sex scenes which is a big bummer for me. The action scenes were also short lived, they came, the shot, someone died, move on or they took, they tortured, someone died, move on. The lack of detail left me feeling disconnected throughout many of the scenes. I really loved where the author was going with the story, but due to the lack of details, I never felt apart of the story or connected to the characters. I give Krinos 3.5 Stars. It is a great short read with room for improvement.
T.L Smith is from Sunny Queensland and stared writing from her love from reading, She has two beautiful children that are her world.

Twitter: @lsmithT