Book 1
He buried his father seven years earlier. As Rainer Lawson comes of age, he is set to join the ranks of Elite Iodex, the
fiercest law enforcement organization in the Gifted Realm. Rainer will not allow his father's assassination to have been
in vain.
Emily Haydenshire has been the love of his life since childhood, and he wants nothing more than to start their life
together. Heady desire consumes them both, but this raw sexual need could blind them to the dangers that surround
As they allow their voracious passions to consume them, evil seems to lurk around every darkened corner. The Interfeci
criminal organization is desperate to regain power. Iodex is set to use their extraordinary powers to harness and control
the energies of the Earth in order to keep the Interfeci at bay. Will Rainer's determination be enough to protect his
family and the love of his life Within the Realm?
GoodReads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/22672004-within-the-realm
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Within-Realm-Gifted-Book-
Barnes and Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/within-the-realm-jillian-neal/1115882111?ean=9781940174006
iBooks: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/within-the-realm/id721312483?mt=11
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All Romance Ebooks: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-withintherealmthegiftedrealm1-1556167-149.html
Book 2

One breathtakingly hot, passion-filled, night ignites a fire in his soul. Everything in his world should be nothing short of
perfection…but he is Rainer Lawson.
His wild evening with Emily is the Realm’s front-page story. Could he have lost the respect of the man that has been like
a father to him? Could his family’s hard-earned fortune really dissolve before his very eyes?
Evil rapidly cinches its chokehold, and everything his father fought and died for threatens to implode. Rainer attempts to
protect those that he loves and satisfy the fiery passions between he and Emily, but everything in his world is spinning
wildly out of control. His desire to prove himself could very well be his undoing.
Sometimes the best of intentions are not enough, but perhaps it is the trials by fire that make the man. Steel sharpens
steel, and passion burns white hot in “Lessons Learned.”
GoodReads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18598201-lessons-learned
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Lessons-Learned-Gifted-Realm-Book-
Barnes and Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/lessons-learned-jillian-neal/1117250758?ean=9781940174037
iBooks: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/lessons-learned/id731431518?mt=11
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All Romance Ebooks: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-lessonslearnedthegiftedrealm2-1556168-149.html
Book 3

“Mr. Lawson…” the man drawled. His French accent did nothing to cover his sinister tone. “Saw the little show your
fiancée put on for you last night at the Tower. She's quite a handful isn't she?”
“I don't know who the hell you think you are, but if you get anywhere near her, I'll kill you.”
“Well then, Mr. Lawson, you better hope you find her before I do.”
If Emily’s father doesn’t win the vicious race for Crown Governor, the Realm falls to the savage clutches of
Wretchkinsides. Evil chokes ice cold, but the hot, kindled burn between Rainer and Emily keeps them ablaze.
A whirlwind trip culminates from DC, to Paris, Boston, to Seattle. The race is on and the stakes are far too high.
Ultimately the entire Gifted world awaits their fate.
Everything that tries to rip them apart, everything that keeps them tightly bound, and everything involved in the
ultimate betrayal, teaches Rainer that not Every Action is an option.
GoodReads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/20995391-every-action
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Every-Action-Gifted-Realm-Book-
Barnes and Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/every-action-jillian-neal/1118968352?ean=9781940174075
iBooks: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/every-action/id846242140?mt=11
Kobo: https://store.kobobooks.com/en-US/ebook/every-action-the-gifted-realm-3
All Romance Ebooks: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-everyactionthegiftedrealm3-1556176-149.html
Book 4
Dan Vindico is the Chief of Elite Iodex, the fiercest, peacekeeping, police force in the Realm. He appears to have been
constructed of raw sinew and steel. He’s sought revenge for his fiancée’s murder for the last decade. As he tears apart
the men responsible, seemingly without end, he finds himself drowning in the riptide. Amelia’s kidnapper is going to
walk free. The knowledge drives Dan to the brink.
Rainer Lawson, son of the assassinated Crown Governor and the newest officer to earn the Elite rank, can’t seem to do
anything more than watch his boss be crushed under the weight. With Emily on another continent, Rainer has already
let his guard down for one brief moment and has seen the brutality of the Interfeci. They’ve taken something he can’t
ever get back. Can they be stopped? Can they save Vindico from the hellish abyss he seems determined to let consume
Vindico can’t continue on. He’s reached the end. Narrowly escaping certain imprisonment and possible death, his body
seems unwilling to fight anymore. While licking his inflicting wounds, in walks his saving grace. He’s hit Rock Bottom.
Rainer, Logan, Garrett, and all of his men can’t save him. Perhaps, what he needs are the wings of an Angel. Can he have
anything good in his life? Can he have true love again? How can he keep her from ending up like Amelia? Could it ever
be worth the risk?
GoodReads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/22595650-rock-bottom
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Rock-Bottom-Gifted-Realm-Book-
Barnes and Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/rock-bottom-jillian-neal/1119960594?ean=9781940174105
iBooks: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/rock-bottom/id898652382?mt=11
Kobo: https://store.kobobooks.com/en-US/ebook/rock-bottom-the-gifted-realm-4
All Romance Ebooks: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-rockbottomthegiftedrealm4-1575113-149.html
Book 5

She’s everything Dan Vindico has ever wanted. Fionna Styler embodies every single thing he told himself could never
exist inside of one woman. She’s beautiful, smart, funny, powerful, and she’s his… almost.
No one can know they’re together. The Interfeci would never let her live. It was an inevitability, but Dan simply cannot
resist her.
After a vow to somehow keep her safe, Dan learns what that really entails. Betrayal, scandal, millions of dollars, and
watching her in the arms of other men are only the beginning, when danger intrudes into every sanctuary he secures.
Dan can’t determine if the demons in his soul or the monsters outside are more vicious, but Fionna’s life depends solely
on him. That blasted tomb is ever-present in his mind. Can he save the Angel who managed to pull him from the depths
of hell, the one he longs to make his own?
GoodReads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/23528731-an-angel-all-his-own
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Angel-All-Gifted-Realm-Book-
Barnes and Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/an-angel-all-his-own-jillian-
iBooks: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/an-angel-all-his-own/id936485733?mt=11
Kobo: https://store.kobobooks.com/en-US/ebook/an-angel-all-his-own-the-gifted-realm-5
All Romance Ebooks: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-anangelallhisownthegiftedrealm5-1682043-149.html
Book 6
With the quick lock of their eyes on one another, the passion ignites. Their bodies speak volumes that can never be
shared. As long as Dan Vindico keeps Fionna Styler between him and his bed sheets, she’ll be safe. If anyone finds out
about the two of them, she’ll be at the very top of every Interfeci hit list. Keeping anyone from knowing that his world
now rises and sets to the rhythms of her body is all that matters.
The Realm prepares for a long anticipated trial, the birth of the new Crown Governor’s baby, and the wedding of the
century. Everything is going according to plan until one night threatens to unravel every precaution and every safeguard
Dan has set to keep Fionna safe. If he doesn’t end the Interfeci soon, he’s going to lose everything, including Fionna.
Dominic Wretchkinsides, head of the Interfeci criminal organization, goes several steps too far, and Dan declares war.
They meet in a heated battle where the winner takes all and there are no holds barred. Could getting everything he’s
wanted for so long cost Dan Vindico everything he already has? Can he keep Fionna safe or will everything he’s worked
for be All but Lost?
GoodReads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25093342-all-but-lost
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/All-Lost-Gifted-Realm-Book-
Barnes and Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/all-but-lost-jillian-neal/1121353121?ean=9781940174150
iBooks: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/all-but-lost/id969732277?mt=11
Kobo: https://store.kobobooks.com/en-US/ebook/all-but-lost-the-gifted-realm-6
All Romance Ebooks: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-allbutlostthegiftedrealm6-1756655-149.html
Book 7
He ended them all with his bare hands and it almost cost him everything good in his life. Dan Vindico and the Gifted
Iodex police force buried the world’s most brutal criminal organization, the Interfeci. They’d taken far too much to be
allowed to exist. Dan lost a child in the fight, and his determination not to lose one more thing drives his vengeance. He
walked away from the takedown broken but determined.
Fionna was safe, their family was expanding, and Dan was ready to finally live his life. The darkness that robbed him of
every good thing in his life has passed. He’s ready to step into the light, but the evil he somehow survived seems
unwilling to let him go.
Money is missing, officers are being brutally murdered, and someone takes something from one of Dan’s top officers,
Rainer Lawson, that can never be returned. From the Pentagon in Washington D.C., to an island deep in the Florida
Keyes, to Paris, France, if Dan is ever going to have peace he’ll have to discover who is behind the attacks that ultimately
put his wife and his precious little girl back in the vicious crosshairs of danger. Will the fire ultimately consume him, or
will he finally find peace in the Quelling Tide?
GoodReads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25482009-the-quelling-tide
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Quelling-Tide-Gifted-Realm-Book-
Barnes and Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-quelling-tide-jillian-neal/1121991580?ean=2940151592031
iBooks: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/the-quelling-tide/id991970068?mt=11
Kobo: https://store.kobobooks.com/en-US/ebook/the-quelling-tide-the-gifted-realm-7
All Romance Ebooks: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-thequellingtidethegiftedrealm7-1797056-149.html
Jillian Neal is a Romance writer with a passion for passion who pens strong, character driven novels, told from the male
perspective. Her guys aren’t afraid to let us inside their minds or inside their bedrooms. They’re hot on the trail of a
sinister criminal organization when they’re not burning up the bed sheets.
She’s a self-proclaimed ‘Southern girl with a sassy mouth.’ Her coffee addiction is barely legal, and she’s most often
running around with her hair and her pen on fire! She's full of smarts, sass, and sizzle and that's a lot to get into barely
five feet of girl with her head always in the clouds.
Website: http://jillianneal.com/
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/JillianNealAuth
Facebook: http://facebook.com/jilliannealauthor
GoodReads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7142355.Jillian_Neal